How to Prevent “Sick Building Syndrome”

Working in construction can be a fulfilling and rewarding career. However, many people in construction often neglect the importance of indoor air quality. Exposure to polluted indoor air for an extended period can cause “Sick Building Syndrome,” leading to respiratory … Continued

4 Reasons to Get an Environmental Inspection

Businesses have a responsibility to protect the environment. By implementing an effective environmental management system, businesses can reduce their environmental impact and ensure that they are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. One of the best places to … Continued

5 Common Issues with New-Build Apartments

Over the years, new-build apartments have been on the receiving end of all types of scrutiny. Lax building standards, material shortages, and tight deadlines have all caused issues for apartment owners. Under these circumstances, many buildings experience serious problems later … Continued

How to Avoid Sick Building Syndrome

We’ve all been inside them: buildings where you know as soon as you walk in that something is off in the air. Whether it be mold, chemicals, asbestos, or other pollutants in the air, all can cause acute or chronic … Continued

5 Types of Commercial Inspections You Need to Know About

The majority of people are familiar with residential inspections during the home-buying process, but they may be less familiar with how commercial inspections work. Basically, there are five types of commercial inspections to suit different clients’ needs. At Titans Commercial … Continued